
Dear Parents, 

Just a reminder: 

This  upcoming 2022-2023 School Year, school meals are NOT free. I recently sent out the following lunch information: applications to apply for Free and Reduced lunches, a meal Price list, and an unpaid meal policy letter. Please read over the information I provided if you have not already.  

 If you do NOT want your child to eat breakfast at school: Please talk with your children about  coming to the lunch room for breakfast. Some kids come with friends and grab a tray when they ate at home already just to socialize with friends. 

 Please note: they will be charged if they have a tray with food. If you do not want to be charged for breakfast, please let your children know to skip the lunchroom in the morning when serving breakfast.  

If you did not receive lunch information or Free/ Reduced application, please contact me and I can get that information to you.  You can email me at or call me at 701-228-2266.  

Thank you and have a great school year, 

Kelly Olson 

Bottineau School